Sunday 18 September 2011

iPhone 5 has an Aluminum Back According to Leaked Case Pictures

Once again some interesting rumors have made their way onto the web of the highly anticipated smartphone the iPhone 5. Yes, it is about the design of iPhone 5.
According to a page published by Case-Mate with about six different new and styling case designs for the unreleased smartphone, iPhone will have some radical changes in its design. Since very little detail is known about the new iPhone 5 so, they have taken the page down and replaced it with a generic message noting that the cases will be  available when customers have their iPhones.
Take a close look at the picture below. If this is iPhone 5 in the pictures, which seems pretty obvious, then it can be noted that not only does iPhone 5 have an aluminum back but is also much wider and thinner than iPhone 4.

The iPhone 5 is expected to be available in the United States in October, so leaks are obvious to spill out across the web. Looking at the line up of current leaks and rumors we think that the release of iPhone 5 cases will be much more delayed than the iPhone 5 itself as Apple will now try its best to make sure that no case maker will have access to the iPhone design before it’s officially released to the public.

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