Sunday 3 July 2011

Acne Diet

Acne is perhaps the most common problem among teenagers. Often addressing to the cosmetician, their first question is a question about your diet, because condition of your skin is dependent on what we eat.
Acne diet involves the exclusion of certain foods from the diet and increasing the amount of various vitamins and minerals that can help reduce fattiness of the skin and prevent acne.
First of all from the diet need to exclude spicy and fatty foods: spices, vegetable oil, sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, potato chips, fatty meats, smoked sausages, sharp cheeses and also the main attributes of fast food it is hamburgers and fried potatoes.Parallel to this need to sharply limit consumption of sweets: cakes, chocolate, ice cream, caramel, also tea, coffee and carbonated beverages.
Recommended foods
Fruits, vegetables and greenery these are products that contain a large amount of fiber.
Bread: it is preferable eat rye bread.
Grains: pearl barley, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.
Meat: don’t forget about meat, the meat should be lean – chicken, rabbit or turkey.
Dairy products: in your diet should prevail dairy products, they are easily digested and also very helpful.
Beverages: green tea, mineral water and natural fresh fruit juices.
Acne diet plan for one day
Breakfast: salad from cucumbers, celery and carrots, seasoned with a tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 apple.
Lunch: lentils, boiled in water without salt; salad from cauliflower, zucchini and spinach. A few slices of melon.
Dinner: 100 grams not fatty fish cooked in steam; vegetable salad with greenery and one tablespoon of sesame oil; 1 grapefruit.
Snack before bedtime: half a cup of blackberries or blueberries.
By following acne diet at least one month, you will achieve a significant reduction in rashes and improve the overall skin condition.
Acne Treatments and Vitamins
Particular attention should be given calcium, phosphorus, potassium, chromium, sulfur, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, C, PP and B vitamins. Calcium is found in dairy products, in many fruits and vegetables. Phosphorus is found in fish, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs. Chrome is in peas, beans, soybeans. Lack of potassium can be replenished by including in the diet raisins, prunes and cabbage. Vitamins A, C and PP are rich milk, tomatoes, lemons, peppers, liver, saltwater fish, carrots, currants, liver, briar, sauerkraut, meat and kidneys.
Acne diet is simply a healthy diet.

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