Wednesday 8 June 2011

5 Signs of Bad Parenting

Parenting as they say is not an exact science, rather it can be seen as an art. Many of us learn this art by the ‘hit and trial’ method, but here we have compiled five key points to assist the new parents or parents to be.
One of the biggest mistakes parents can make is to physically challenge their children in public. This not only undermines the self confidence of the child, but also hinders positive growth by asking questions by quashing the hopes and thirst of a child to answers. Such public acts of humiliation can have long standing effects on the mental growth of child and can also destroy the self confidence and self esteem of a child.
By complaining to one and all about your child, not only are you undermining your confidence in your offspring, but also undermining the child’s ability in public. This could seriously hinder creativity and development of the child’s mind where it will always be apprehensive and under confident of its abilities as an individual. It is very important that we keep the complaints and regrets private so that the child doesn’t feel apprehensive to outsiders.
There has to be a perfect balance between physical expression of love (kissing, hugging etc) and keeping a distance from your child for it to feel safe and confident on its own. Children who are over pampered get spoilt and will ten face emotion dilemmas when they are part of their grown up relationships. In opposition to this if a child is totally ignored, he/she might develop attention deficit disorders which may scar their emotional development.
Children are usually most thirsty for recognition, care and love. Favoritism among ones children may lead to age long prejudices and emotional insecurities. As parents, every one of your children deserves equal attention from you. If you are giving one child more attention than the less, you are being unjust to both.
Like the saying goes, the home is his first school for a child. If a child is not trusted and given confidence by its parents, he/she will be the same towards the world in practical life and relationships.
For a child to develop skills relating to leadership and communication along with social skills, it is absolutely necessary for parents to show that they trust their children and allow them room to rise up to this trust.

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